Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And the GOP Looks Worse

I'm sure that I'm not giving anyone the news, but it looks like the Republicans might lose another Senator in Congress. I say might, but him pleading guilty ain't exactly a great thing in the run up to 2008 if you're a member of a party.

I don't know what's more disturbing about this: that the Republican Congressional Leadership keeps getting caught with its pants down (bad pun intended) or that this may have been a third or fourth time that it all happened. And at least one of those times probably happened under the Centurionss (figurative) gaze:

In 2006, a gay activist said he had spoken with men who had sexual encounters with Craig, including in the restrooms at Union Station.

I'm staying out of the restrooms in Union Station from here on out, or at least just using the urinals. Seriously people, do it at home.

And GOP, get your goddamn act together. 'Cause if Hilary wins in '08, I'm gone. Totally gone.

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