Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If I Only Had the Cash ...

... I'd invest in this: the NASDAQ Portal Market.

I mean, how coll does that sound? Minimum networth to invest is $100 million? No governmental reporting requirements? Away from the SEC's prying eyes?

You don't need governmental regulation here because, if you have $100 million to throw around, you're smart. The SEC is only there to keep public confidence in the stock market, confidence that is the keystone of the main arch that supports our entire financial system. But if you have enough money to throw around that paying cash for something like this isn't that big of a deal ... then you don't need a governmental safety net.

I think it makes sense, and, especially given the fact that the market is breaking up in terms of giving out cheap loans, getting another way for private companies to raise money without having to go public or go to banks and their interest rates is fun.

I just wonder how venture capitalists feel about this idea ... I could see something like this, and the rest of the private exchanges that the article talks about, opening up a way to bypass them. Which may mean that VC money will have to go back into securities. It's always nice to have more cash flow coming in.


PayingForPlaying said...

That's all you would want with that kind of money? A blue mustang???

Surely there's something more . . .

Anonymous said...

If I had $100 million to throw around, I would get this:

Anonymous said...

Good post.