Friday, August 10, 2007

Drinking like a Soccer Star

So David Beckham did make an appearance on the pitch at RFK. For a long period of time, and actually looked pretty good for not having played anything in two months. I was impressed, but it was also clear that he wasn't going to get anything easy or just be the best player on the field just by showing up. Which was good.

Best of all, DC United won 1-0 on a Luciano Emilio goal. Great stuff guys!!! And I hear the fans were great. Usually, I'd post my player ratings here, but I can't remember the game too well (See below).

Then it was the after party at Lima last night (Bobby, why aren't there pictures up and a recap yet?) I did see Bobby, who walked in like a rockstar and didn't acknowledge the drunk guys on the patio yelling his name. Then got to watch Brian Namoff hitting on ugly chicks. He's tiny, like five inches shorter than me. And the girls he was talking to last night were UUUUGGG-LY!! My apologies if that was his girlfriend or something, but I had my jack and coke glasses on and still thought poorly of her. C'mon Brian, you're an all-star right back for the best team in MLS. Take it up a notch man.

Anyways, if you want the rundown on it all, the night, the Beckham experience, game report, check out Steven Goff's Soccer Insider. And yes, we rock here in D.C. when it comes to soccer. Can we start calling ourselves New Trafford? English Premier League Starts this weekend!

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